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Η λέξη πρόοδος_Αρχή
The word progress sounded fake
in my mother's mouth
of Matthew Wisniewk
October 2010
The drama of the civil war in Yugoslavia with the stories of the people and their daily quests after the end of the war, through the clear eye of Matej Wisniek.
Facta non Verba uploaded the work The word progress sounded fake in my mother's mouth
in May 2010 through the educational process of the Liberal Laboratory of Theatrical Expression that operated in the social space Mikropolis. The show was played at the bar
of Mikropolis and then in the underground theater of Facta non Verba.
Repeated at the team site in October of the same year.

the word progress sounded fake
in my mother's mouth
Matthew Vishniek
Translation: Ersi Vasilikioti
Direction - video : Elena Stamatopoulou
Lighting: Giannis Stagos
Sets - costumes: Olga Sfetsa
Poster - artwork: Gra-fistiki
Music: George Brouzas
Sofia Antoniou
Karina Ardelean
Maria Gidari
Eleni Goumbatsa
Marianna Gousdouva
Vangelis Makrygiannis
George Brouzos
Marilena Saita
Alexandros Samaras
Vicky Santoriniou
Grigoris Svarnas
Panagiotis Stefanidis
Natasha Tsouni
Alexandros Tsonos

Η λέξη πρόοδος ηχούσε φάλτσα στο στόμα της μητέρας μου, του Ματέι Βισνιέκ, Οκτώβριος 2010

2ο Ελευθεριακό Φεστιβάλ Θεατρικής Έκφρασης, Ιούνιος 2010
Η λέξη πρόοδος ηχούσε φάλτσα στο στόμα της μητέρας μου

Η λέξη πρόοδος ηχούσε φάλτσα στο στόμα της μητέρας μου, του Ματέι Βισνιέκ, Οκτώβριος 2010
Poster of presentation
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