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November 2019


with  Nancy Stamatopoulou  

και τον Κυριάκο Χατζηϊωάννου

     Σεμινάριο σωματικής έκφρασης και κινησιολογίας    _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     _cc781905-5cde-3194-bbc

As part of the Communication Theater, Facta non Verba expands its circle of collaborations with the aim of disseminating artistic views and exchanging creative tools.
Two special and remarkable performers, dancers and choreographers join their creative breaths for three days in Thessaloniki: Nancy Stamatopoulou and Kyriakos Hatziioannou.
The seminar is addressed to professional and amateur actors and dancers but also to people who are interested in expressing themselves physically, expanding the boundaries of their physical memory and consciousness.


Workshop Facts are feelings vol. 2


Νάνσυ Σταματοπούλου

The aim of this seminar is to study metamorphosis through physicality. Emphasizes improvisation on specific exercises and ways of releasing movement through kinetic phrases and improvisations. Rhythm and voice will also be studied in the context of exploring the experiential  and then the theatrical physicality.
The seminar is an illustration of the function of control and physical instinct and its purpose is to create physical, mental and emotional states through physical exercise. For this reason, the body is led to its maximum expressiveness and transformation through the exploration of boundaries and the abolition of any safety belt and standardization.
Participants are guided to learn to accept the information of their instinct, to find truth in their body and to communicate their personal way of movement and expression.

She is a dancer-performer with participations in collective works, while she has presented her own works with emphasis on interactive installations.
As a dancer-performer she has collaborated with Maria Hassapi, Jackie Taffanel, Fani Sarantari, Jenny Argyriou, Ash Bulayev, Alfredo Fernadez, Apostolia Papadaiaki, Karen Levi, at the State Theater of Northern Greece in Constantinople Katerina Papageorgiou (Kat Válastur) and Alexandros Euclid, with the National Theater of Lucerne in Switzerland in the play Alkistis, directed by Christos Passalis and Angeliki Papoulias.
CAVE presented it as an autonomous work (art performance) at Baila Louca in Rotterdam, at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Thessaloniki, at the Athens Art Festival in Athens, at the Goethe Institute in Athens, PLEASENTER at the Kunst Kapel-Virtueel Museum in Amsterdam (in collaboration with Jenny Argyriou, Ash Bulayev and Miguel Melgares), SUGAR SLAVE at the Sacatar Foundation in Brazil, Slow Down Winter Festival Performance in Amsterdam.
365 Q - R in collaboration with Fani Sarantari at Gallery Dynamo Project Space Greece.
In 2016, in collaboration with NEON and MAI (Marina Abramovich Institute) in the context of long durational performance, he presented the performance "WHITE CAVE" at the Benaki Dusio / Athens.
From 2013 to 2019 he collaborates as a performer with Kyriakos Chatziioannou (Switzerland) in the works: SECONDSKIN, OR WHO OWNS THE WORLD, MYSTERION / Higher States, Part 1, KUHLE WAMPE, HYPERION / Higher States, Part 2, EROTIKON / Higher , Part 3.


Leading & Following Workshop

This seminar / workshop is essentially a collection and exhibition of tools and practices aimed at a higher awareness of individual and group stage presence. With improvised methods we will cultivate ways of making complex decisions during the executive process and we will improve the sense of coordination. These methods create unique learning conditions, outside the usual teaching contexts and can be used in a wider range of approaches. The sensation of our body, through an accelerated state of motion, leads to a higher level of physical knowledge (consciousness) which often brings revolutionary results. This new concept is a crucial element that triggers new dynamics in the creative process.
This workshop focuses on empowering the personality, through an innovative perspective and emphasizing collaborative / group approaches and structured improvisation.

The seminar includes:

Leading & Following
Methods and practices of good grouping and collaboration in a team.
Individual (solo) work tools and practices.

Individual / personal integration tools and practices in a group show.
Watch & Talk
Learning about how to give and receive constructive and productive feedback.
Presentation & Documentation
At the end of the workshop there may be a presentation of the seminar materials.


Κυριάκος  Χατζηϊωάννου

Kyriakos Hatziioannou's work focuses on specific aspects of choreography, movement and space, touching on different types of art. He has collaborated with various artists, choreographers, visual artists, filmmakers, researchers, in international productions, in Europe  and America. At this time, in addition to other collaborations, he is creating a series of works that explore altered and transcendental conscious states.
He is a seminar professor and choreography consultant at the University of Performing Arts 'Manufacture - Haute ecole des arts de la scene' of Lausanne and the Athens School of Fine Arts.
In 2012 he founded the ANTIBODIES team, a platform of researchers, artists and academics  who collaborate and are active in the field of research, arts and entertainment.
In 2017 he was awarded by the Swiss State with the June Johnson Dance Prize for the excellent approach of his works.
Είναι απόφοιτος της Κρατική Σχολή Ορχηστικής Τέχνης Αθηνών, με μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές στο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεατρικών Επιστημών του Γκίσεν στο τμήμα Χορογραφίας και Περφόρμανς.

Seminar dates

Friday, November 8: 5-10 p.m.,
Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 November: 4-9 pm

Registration + Participation contribution: 100 Euros (80 for students and unemployed)

Maximum number of participants: 15 people

Registration form:
Inbox on Facebook on the team page:

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