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Στην καρδιά του Χειμώνα

in the card_cc781905-5cde -3194- bb3b -136bad5cf58d_

  του Φ θινό π ώρου



Two -day SEMINAR  with tools:

Qigong - Yoga -

Theatrical improvisation

Connection with qualities

of autumn

through the body,

the mind and the breath.

The first of a series of seminars to be held during

of the year, covid-19 permitting and will be related to the seasons.

Autumn, a time of transition, is important to detoxify and strengthen the immune system. The body is being prepared and shielded for the winter  that follows. 

The right time to release physical, mental and emotional toxins.

Through this two-day seminar we will be connected with the qualities of autumn,

but also with our own body. We will experience our needs more deeply at this time

and we will take care of them through various tools for detoxification and deepening,

for self-knowledge and expression.

Saturday   17/10/20

17.00 - 21.00 

Sunday   18/10/20

17.00 - 21.00








Valaoritou 18, 7th floor, Thessaloniki

Two -day SEMINAR  with tools:

Qigong - Yoga - Theatrical improvisation




Saturday 17  October 2020

17.00 - 21.00 

17:00 - 18:30

Through static and dynamic stops and flows of Qi Gong, designed for the autumn season, we will direct

focusing our mind on those parts of the body that need it

to focus, to help our energy flow harmoniously. We will open a dialogue between the mind, the body

and breathing in order to prepare ourselves

and the strengthening of the defense of our organism against the pathogens of all kinds, physically, mentally and spiritually that characterize

in our time. The goal is to understand the flow of energy,

to start communicating with her and cleaning up.

Get rid of the unnecessary.

18:30 - 18:45  Dial.

18:45 - 21:00

Energy, meditation and theatrical improvisation. Once we have come in contact with our energy, we enrich the dialogue by introducing new tools. With our attention focused on the special qualities

of autumn, we explore uncharted trails with a goal

our detoxification, the stimulation and circulation of our vital energy and the strengthening of the means of expression and the communication channels.

Sunday   18  October 2020

17.00 - 21.00 


17:00 - 18:30

Yoga techniques to detoxify and strengthen the immune system, concentration and connection with the breath, emptying the mind. A picture-rich yoga class to enjoy practices and connect with our bodies and cultivate health at all levels. Close with the sounds of gong. The course is addressed to everyone, as the appropriate variations will be given for practitioners with different yoga experiences.

18: 30 - 18:45  break.

18:45 - 21:00

Movement and theatrical improvisation. Through these tools we cultivate the connection, awareness and care of the seeds we put in the ground this fall. Through physical expression, improvisation and vision we leave behind the unnecessary and strengthen our intention for the coming winter.


Accompanies with sound trays

Marianna Gousdouva.






Elena Stamatopoulou is a director,

actor and teacher. 

Doctor of the Department of Theater

and postgraduate history researcher

of the Ionian University. 




Eleni Daga is_a actor

and certified Yoga teacher . 

Graduate of the Department of Theater and the Department of Political Science.


Place:      _cc78190-

Valaoritou 18, 7th floor, Thessaloniki

Εγγραφή-συνεισφορά:          _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136d5c5

60 Euros ( 50 for students-three and unemployed)

This contribution will be available exclusively at the expense of maintaining the team space

and  has the character of practical solidarity in a self-organized and self-financed theatrical group with 18 years of Thessaloniki presence.

The number of participants will unfortunately be limited,

to comply with the safety measures for covid-19 .

First come first served.

Information &

Registrations: ​

  • Facebook

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Thanks for submitting!


Poster of the seminar

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