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with Nancy Stamatopoulou





June 2018

In the context of the Theater of Communication , Facta non Verba

launches new series of partnerships

with choreographer performer Nancy Stamatopoulou,

old companion and friend of the group.



Facts are Feelings 

  Our body has engraved a map of memories.

Every subtle movement, daily routines, sounds,

involuntary and voluntary interactions with the environment,

feed a stimulus tank that can be activated.
  The aim of this seminar is to explore this reservoir

and the search for those items that can be converted

in creative stimuli and consequently artistic formulations.
With a tool but also guided by physical expression, we will try to communicate with ourselves and others in order to

to create a choreographic common component.

A choreographic depiction of emotions that become actions

and actions that become emotions.
The seminar is addressed to professionals and amateurs, actors

and dancers but also to people who are interested

for such an approach and have a basic experience.

Photos: FnV Archive

facts_Feeling_ ΥΛΙΚΟ


from the seminar


Νάνσυ Σταματοπούλου

FACTS_ Βιο Νάνσυ




 She is an interpreter and creator of interactive works performance based in Athens.
   As a performer she has previously collaborated with KTHBE and the National Theater in works by Konstantinos Chargos and Katelos Parigos Nigel Kaelopas Nigel.
   In recent years he has been collaborating_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-1390-bb3c-136bad5cf58d -136bad5cf58d_ also collaborated as performer  with Maria Hassapi in the work "Staging" presented in museums in America_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136d5cf.

Her own works have been presented:
'Cave' Baila Luca (Rotterdam),
"Pleasenter" in collaboration with Ash Bulayev Jenny Argyriou and Miguel Melgares at the KunstKapel-Virtueel Museum (Amsterdam),
"Sugar Slave" at the Sacatar foundation (Brazil) and at the Winter Performance Festival Het Glazen Huis (Amsterdam),
"365 Q / R" in collaboration with Fani Sarantari in an art installation at the Dynamo Project Gallery (Thessaloniki),
"White Cave" performance of long duration who participated  in the exhibition One one a collaboration with MAI (Marina Abramovich Institue in Athens)



Snapshots from performances

facts_Feeling_ ΣΤΟΧΕΙΑ

Seminar Dates:

Saturday 9 June, Sunday 10 June,

Monday, June 11: 2-5 p.m.
Registration + Contribution:

60 Euros (50 for students and unemployed)

In the context of solidarity, they are provided free of charge

two positions in people who would like

to participate but their financial situation

does not allow it. First come first served.

Maximum number of participants: 15 people

Registration form:
Inbox on Facebook,

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