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Reclain the city

reclaim the city


work in

Creating Liberated Zones

Facta Non Verba follows our need, to breathe, coordinate and create in the public space of our city, to listen to it and experience it with a clear and renewed look...

Sunday  4 

December 2022

11.00 - 14.00








Station 5 th:


Upper City

Reclaim the city:

Creating Free Zones

Station 5 th:


Upper City

Sunday 4 December 2022

11.00 - 14.00 

On Sunday, December 4, we welcome winter and with it we come into contact with one of the heaviest winters in modern Greek history: the civil war.

In an attempt to connect Nature and History and through a therapeutic prism, we will tour the paths of Jedi Kule and listen to hear the stories he has to tell us.


We will approach the qualities of winter, we will explore its element which is water and the emotions associated with it in negative and positive vibration, fear and kindness.

And through these synapses, we will connect with the most painful, perhaps, part of our history and we will try to understand the relationship with ourselves and the other.

Στάση 3η

A few more words about the project:


The idea of ​​creating free zones for us is not new. In our twenty-year journey as a group, we have attempted several times to break the normality and build a bridge of communication between the public space, the inner world and our utopian space-time. 

We used the road as a Trojan horse to stir up sleeping consciences. At least that's what we envisioned. Guided by our socio-political and artistic concerns, we set the street as a field for expressing opinions and creating a democratic dialogue. Street theaters against globalization, against war, against state repression, for human rights, for diversity, for immigrants and refugees, for social struggles, for a world that we still think is possible. The one of solidarity, dignity and humanity. 


Today, after the collective introspection and reflection brought about by the dystopian pandemic we are experiencing, demonstrating the state of emergency we have reached as humanity now, we wanted to centrally include another key factor that we have been experimenting with in recent years: connection with the natural environment and the energy externally and internally. We listen to the vectors that run centripetally and centrifugally through our destination and awareness, we see with a different perspective, our connection with our self, with our surroundings and with the whole. We look multi-prismatic the city and the people who inhabit it, its macro-history and its micro-histories, the piece and the mosaic, the zero and the one. 

Our new project, therefore, whose first stop arose spontaneously, is moving on to its fifth stop and aspires to take place once a month, at least for a year, in various public spaces of the city. Each meeting will be announced with a call for participation, will be three hours long and will combine energetic tools with the group's original theatrical practices shaped by its 20 years of experience. Each stop will focus on different elements and creative stimuli. There will be free contribution, which is how our collective usually works. 


It is addressed to anyone who wants to move forward together on this path of exploration, search and creation of liberated zones inside and outside us, in this journey of re-appropriation of public space.


Because we must not forget that the limits that public space places on its use are an indicator of the democracy we have.

Reclaim the city:

Creating Free Zones

Station 4 th:

Forest Seih-Sou

17.30 - 20.30 

Thursday 29 September 2022


Our new project, " Reclaim the city : Creating Liberated Zones", went through the fourth stop, on Thursday September 29  in Sheih-Sou, from 17.00 to 20.00.

Goodbye summer Welcome autumn!
🌳 We strengthen our immune system and our strength and expel anything unnecessary.
🌳 We are preparing for the coming winter, building our defenses.
🌳 We connect with each other and with the lung of our city.
We create yet another liberated zone. 
❤️ Seat reservation required 🖤


Snapshots from the 4th stop  in Sheih Su

With the help of energetic and theatrical tools, we focus on the qualities of autumn, and we will end up creating another liberated zone with a collective theatrical improvisation, to communicate, empower, connect and co-create.

Reclaim the city:

Creating Free Zones

Station 3 rd

the Deauville Coast

18.00 - 21.00 

Thursday 4 August 2022


Facta Non Verba in its new project "Reclaim the city: Creating liberated zones".

Stop three: Deauville Coast, Thursday 4 August 6.00 to 9.00.


With the help of energetic and theatrical tools, we focus on the qualities of summer, and we will end up creating another liberated zone with a collective theatrical improvisation, to communicate, empower, connect and co-create.

Snapshots from the 3rd stop  at Deauville Coast

Στάση 2η
Anchor 1

Reclaim the city:

Creating Free Zones

Station 2nd:

Garden of the Mediterranean

Thursday  7  July  2022

17.30 - 20.30 


Following our need to breathe, coordinate and create in the public space of our city, to listen to it and experience it with a clear and renewed eye, Facta Non Verba is launching its new project "Reclaim the city: Creating liberated zones".

Second stop: Garden of the Mediterranean, on Thursday July 7 from 6.00 to 9.00.


With the help of energetic and theatrical tools, we will focus on the qualities of summer, and end up creating a first liberated zone with a collective theatrical improvisation, to communicate, empower, connect and co-create.


Snapshots from the 2nd stop  at the Mediterranean Garden

Στάση 1η

Reclaim the city:

Creating Free Zones

Station 1 st:

Pasha's Gardens

Friday   24  June 2022

17.30 - 20.30 



The confinement, social distancing, introversion and rearrangements brought about two years ago by the Covid-19 pandemic made the need for openness, connection, extroversion and meeting outside entrenched boundaries and closed doors even more powerful and imperative.

Following our need to breathe, coordinate and create in the public space of our city, to listen to it and experience it with a clear and renewed eye, Facta Non Verba is launching its new project "Reclaim the city: Creating liberated zones". First stop: Pasha Gardens, on Friday 24 June 5.30 to 8.30.

With the help of energetic and theatrical tools, we will focus on the qualities of summer, welcoming the summer solstice and end up creating a first liberated zone with a collective theatrical improvisation, to communicate, empower, connect and co-create.

We are waiting for you.

Snapshots from the 1st stop  at the Pasha Gardens




Conception - planning - coordination

collective theater

improvisation - 




Elena Stamatopoulou is a director,

actor and teacher. 

Doctor of the Department of Theater

and postgraduate history researcher

of the Ionian University. 

Coordination of collective theatrical improvisation -




Eleni Daga is_a actor

and certified Yoga teacher. 

Graduate of the Department of Theater and the Department of Political Science.



2002 - 2022




Marianna Gousdouva is a therapist,  

actress and narrator.

Graduate of the Nursing School

and School of Storytelling and Fairy Tale.



There will be free contribution, which is how our collective usually works. The proceeds from the contributions go to our project "Agramithia", that is, the creation of an artistic eco-community in the foothills of the Pierian mountains.

Suggested donation: 20 euros

Information &

Registrations: ​

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