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by A nne M arilyn L ucas

R e c o v e r y

March 2020

In the context of the Theater of Communication, the  Facta Non Verba   completed its artistic-educational project for the year 2019-20

and presents Anne Marilyn Lucas Recovery,

a contemporary American work on addictions

and human relations, in its first pan-European premiere.






Photos:  Vangelis Ita


 from the show

R e c ov e r y


A nne M arilyn L ucas

   There is a taboo around love individually

and socially. Love is an intimate human (and non-human) experience, but it is trapped in interpersonal relationships. Very often the word love brings to mind many people very specific associations and reactions. Some examples:  Church, Christianity, marriage, family, love, attachment, romance, etc.

   Love can be presented as a proposal of individual and collective emancipation. Love is a way of embodying mutual help

and solidarity. Adding the adjective holistic love may make it more understandable:

Soil! Plants! Trees! Animals! (human and not).

If we were taught to love living beings

around us there would be a little more justice for ourselves and our environment. Love is not coercive, it is the most immediate experience experience that can move you so that there is a desire to share it.

   Love can lead to authentic communication and acceptance of each other. Love can be transformed, it can become knowledge, it can become solidarity.  Love can be experienced as happiness or as harmony. Love if it does not lead to communication,

is because he was trapped in how to love the ego, and that is narcissism.

love as a proposal _

for recovery _

of freedom _

and of a dignity

   Love if it leads to addiction is because it is trapped in self-destruction. Love

if it was underestimated it is because it guides the 'naive', and 'naivety' is romantic does not fit our days. Love if characterized as utopian

is because it is a difficult sharing and a perpetual self-education process. And so the taboo around love continues to be reproduced by us for us, courage and love is a shame

and vulnerability.

   Love is the driving force and the starting point_cc781905-5cde-315- b and solidarity  was never just a product logical and anarchist study

and communist books.

   Many and many -bb-315-b

E. Goldman, E. Malatesta,   P. Kropotkin,

o F. Nietzsche, o E. From, o B. Russell, M. Buber et al. Let us accept, let us experience,   let us study,

let's self-educate  on an individual and collective level to be able to live together. Closing with a quote from Proudhon

emphasizing the importance of empathy,

and if you can not at least try.

"Respect your neighbor as yourself, and if you still can not  love him,  

do not allow yourself either

nor treat him disrespectfully. "Without equality, there is no justice."   





R e c ov e r y


A nne M arilyn L ucas

Trailer of the show Recovery


Interview - discussion of the team and the director of the show, Elena Stamatopoulou at thessculture 

Interview with Recovery writer Anne MArilyn Lucas 

at thessculture 


R e c ov e r y


A nne M arilyn L ucas


R e c ov e r y


A nne M arilyn L ucas

Contributors :

Text: Recovery by Anne Marilyn Lucas
Translation: Joanna Peftoulidou
Directed by: Elena Stamatopoulou
Assistant director: Sasha Dimitriadou
Drama: Adamantia Xiridou
Music-video-teaser: Vassilis Kommatas,
Scenes-makeup-tutorial items: Ariad Spacho
Costumes: the team
Lighting: Giannis Stagos, Lena Daga - Petros Theodoridis
Poster: Gra-fistiki design house

Playing (alphabetically):
Evelina Vaiou, Alexia Vousvoura, Artemis Georgopoulou,

Petrina  Karydia, Stelios Kioses, Evita Meimaridou, Lena Daga, Valena Papadopoulou, Tzoanna Peftoulidou, Alexandros Tsonou, Maria Fami

The show is played with two distributions.


Poster of the restoration

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